Sleep problems like sleep apnea are serious conditions that can sometimes lead to death. A lot of Charlotte NC residents have probably heard about sleep apnea, but a common misconception is that sleep apnea is the same as snoring. While many people suffering from sleep apnea do snore, there are also millions of snorers who could keep sawing their logs all through the night and never experience any kind of sleep-related difficulties. Sleep apnea, on the other hand, is a serious condition. Once you learn more about it, and especially if have a loved one who suffers from sleep apnea, you too might start to lose some sleep over the problem.
Sleep apnea and its various forms
Generally, sleep apnea is a medical condition which causes people to stop breathing while they are sleeping, which not surprisingly prevents them from getting a good night of rest. Sleep apnea also leads to a whole host of sleep problems and also other kinds of debilitating conditions, like heart disease. But sleep apnea comes in many different forms. Before your oral surgeon can recommend a treatment plan for your sleep apnea, he or she must determine the kind of sleep apnea you suffer.
Obstructive or central sleep apnea
Primarily, there are two kinds of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is generally a mechanical problem that involves an obstruction, or obstructions, in the airways which prevent a person from breathing properly at night. It could be a soft palate issue or anasal passages issue preventing the free flow of air into the lungs of a sleeping person. Central sleep apnea, on the other hand, is a little bit different. Rather than a problem within the air passages, central sleep apnea is more of a problem in the brain and central nervous system. It is an issue with the unconscious part of the brain which normally tells the body to breathe. For a variety of reasons, with central sleep apnea the brain simply fails to tell the body when it is time to breathe, and the person will go for periods of time without breathing. Sleep apnea, either obstructive apnea or central sleep apnea, certainly interrupts a good night of sleep, but it can be very dangerous!
Unfortunately, sleep problems do not stop with breathing problems. When a person does not breathe properly at night, he is at risk for heart disease, and possibly even a heart attack. For this reason, sleep apnea is a condition that must be treated as soon as it is detected. Individuals suffering from sleep apnea usually respond favorably to treatment, which can immeasurably extend both the length and quality of their lives.
Get the professional help you need for your sleep problems in Charlotte NC
Sleep problems can be transformed into sleeping soundly for people in Charlotte NC. Sufferers of sleep problems can visit oral and maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Kevin Bond at Southpark Oral Surgery for an evaluation of the causes and potential treatment options. For more information about sleep apnea and sleep problems, visit Southpark Oral Surgery and arrange for an appointment to meet with Dr. Kevin Bond to discuss your sleep problems.
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