TMJ treatment is necessary when patients experience the pain and discomfort of TMJ disorders. TMJ is an acronym for the temporomandibular joint, the joint on each side of your head in front of your ears, where your lower jawbone meets your skull.TMJ disorders develop for a variety of reasons, but oral surgeons are able to diagnose and develop an individualized TMJ treatment for patients better than ever before.
How come my jaw is making a clicking sound?
TMJ treatment is for anyone who experiences TMJ disorders. TMJ disorders affect the complex jaw joint, and are easier for oral surgeons to diagnose and treat than in the past. That clicking or popping sound you hear whenever you open your mouth to eat or talk is caused by the misalignment of the temporomandibular joints on either side of your head. There are many reasons the temporomandibular joints are not working together, and they are as individualized as the patient. It could be you grind your teeth at night or clench your jaw and teeth during stressful times; you may suffer arthritis or damaged your jaw in an injury. What matters, though, is TMJ disorder get diagnosed and TMJ treatment started by Southpark Oral Surgery as soon as possible to prevent further problems that could lead to more serious conditions.
What signs of TMJ disorder shouldCharlotte NC patients look for?
Knowing the signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder can encourage you to visit an oral surgeon for TMJ treatment. Clicking or popping sounds are the most noticeable symptoms patients report because they are hard to ignore, but there are other signs to raise a red flag that TMJ treatment is needed. The following are a list of questions to ask if you think you may need TMJ treatment. Are you aware of grinding or clenching your teeth at night? Do you wake up with sore, stiff muscles around your jaw? Do you have frequent headaches or backaches? Does pain get worse when you clench your teeth? Is it difficult or painful to open your mouth when you yawn or eat? Have you ever suffered a head, jaw or neck injury? Do you have other joint problems, such as arthritis? Do you have teeth that no longer touch when you bite? Do your teeth meet differently from time to time? Is it hard to use your front teeth to bite or tear food? Are your teeth sensitive, loose, broken or worn? The more you answered yes to these questions, the more likely it is that you have TMJ disorder and require TMJ treatment to prevent further damage.
TMJ treatment options depend upon south Charlotte patient
TMJ treatment is complex, and determined on a case-by-case basis at Southpark Oral Surgery. Charlotte NC patients will work hand-in-hand with oral surgeons, as a team approach is the best guarantee of success. Relieving the pain and discomfort of muscle spasms and sore joints can be accomplished through steroid injections, as well as self care measures such as warm compresses, good posture, the application of heat and ice, jaw exercises, jaw rest, and a diet of soft foods. Stress management techniques may be included in TMJ treatment, as well as a splint to wear over teeth and keep them apart, relaxing muscles and relieving pain. Oral surgery is used in extreme cases, such as when the jaw won’t close, but other measures such as orthodontics or restorative dentistry may also be considered as part of TMJ treatment.
TMJ treatment by oral surgeons will relieve pain and discomfort associated with TMJ disorder. Clicking or popping sounds, jaw pain, and teeth misalignment are some signs patients can look for when they suspect they may have TMJ disorder. Charlotte NC and south Charlotte residents who think they may have TMJ disorder should call Southpark Oral Surgery today for an evaluation, so treatment can be started.
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